
Rarely are non-human species considered in building structures, especially in urban settings. The goal of this project was to design a structure for local insects, inviting them to live in the urban environment of Newcastle, UK. We 3D printed modules with flax fiber clay & locally harvested clay that were fired or autoclaved in preparation to be filled in with mycelium.

Materials include local clay, fiber clay, mycelium + birch composites, reeds, wool, flax, cotton, plywood, sand, and sensors from Smart Citizen.

This is an ongoing project with an academic paper in writing & daily ecological updates.

This was a collaborative installation relaized by the fertile minds of: Asya Illgun, Svenja Kune, Laurin Kilbert, Dilan Ozkan, Areil Lim, Colleen Ludwig, Dan Parker, Dan Vy Vu, Hana Vasatko, Lera Niemackl, Mamoun Nukumanu, Natalia Piórecka and Olatz Pereda.

My primary contribution to this structure is as lead mycologist & design team member.